Public Health Sciences Course Program (PHS)

Qualitative Health Research – The Essentials

This course is directed towards everyone interested in qualitative health research. In each session, we will discuss key elements, landmark methodological papers as well as empirical studies to understand the essentials of qualitative health research.


By the end of the course, participants will:

  • understand fundamental principles of qualitative research, including epistemological and methodological assumptions and selected traditions in qualitative research
  • be able to identify, distinguish and apply BIG Q vs. small q principles
  • know different approaches to qualitative data collection and analysis
  • know where to find and how to identify and use relevant resources on qualitative health research
  • be able to critically assess the quality of qualitative research


Contents covered:

  • How to think differently (big Q vs. small q approaches)
  • Data generation (interviews, group discussions, observations)
  • Data analysis (reflexive thematic analysis, grounded theory, codebook analysis)
  • Markers of qualitative health research (rigor, quality, reflexivity, positionality, ethics, theory)

Arbeitsweise / Programm

The course follows a flipped-classroom design. During February and March, participants study materials provided (videos, podcasts, book chapters, and articles) to acquire basic knowledge in qualitative health research. During the morning sessions of the 4 days-block seminars, each participant will (co-lead) a session, with the support of a lecturer who is experienced in qualitative research, to critically reflect upon knowledge gained. Afternoon sessions will be for practical training of skills in conducting qualitative research

The morning sessions are to gain knowledge about and reflect upon essential elements of qualitative health research, will be student-led and supported by experienced lecturers

The afternoon sessions are to train skills and competences as qualitative researchers. Working with own materials is highly welcome but materials can also be provided. Sessions will be guided by a team of lecturers experienced in qualitative health research


Nummer E046.214.25

Preparatory work: starting February 2025
Morning and afternoon sessions on:

Tuesday  08.04.2025
Wednesday 09.04.2025
Thursday 10.04.2025

Friday 11.04.2025

Zeiten 09:00-17:00

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM
Mittelstrasse 43,
3012 Bern

room 320, third floor


Professor Annika Frahsa, Professor Sofia Zambrano (shared coordination)
Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern

Plätze max. 20 Personen
Kurssprache English
Anmeldefrist 14.02.2025
Format Individual event von Public Health Sciences Course Program
You will receive a certificate of attendance.

Faculty of Medicine University of Bern

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
Public Health Sciences Course Program (PHS)


2 ECTS: February and March:

  • Individual reading and preparation of materials provided via ILIAS
  • Preparation for chairing one session
  • Meeting with a lecturer to orient the content of the session
    needs to be scheduled ahead of time

April 8-11:

  • Active participation in morning sessions
  • Active participation in afternoon sessions

3 ECTS: requirements as for 2 ECTS + until May 15:

  • Written review of a paper in your research field that uses a qualitative method based on a checklist for reporting qualitative research, e.g. the COREQ checklist or the guide for evaluating thematic analysis offered by Braun & Clarke, minimum 4.500 words

For an accreditation of the ECTS, a minimum of 80% attendance is required for the on-site sessions.


root number KSL: 484099


All PhD students, Post-docs, clinicians and public health practitioners interested in qualitative health research.

Anmelde- und Aufnahmeverfahren

A tertiary education degree is required. The program manager decides on the final admission. Priority is given to PhD students.

Application process: You are requested to enroll online. Seats will be allocated according to date of enrolment. Three weeks before the course/workshop at the latest, the administration will decide and inform about running or cancelling the course/workshop.


Amount still open


Registration fees are waived for PhD students of the University of Bern who commit to the whole course attendance. To avoid being invoiced, it is mandatory that you indicate your institute and the matriculation number upon registration for the course. Please note cancellation regulations below.

Course fees for other participant categories:

PostDocs Uni Bern CHF 200/300
Other participants Uni Bern CHF 600/900
Participants other academic institutions 1200/1800
Other participants CHF 1680/2520

Participants completing the entire PHS Course Program benefit from a reduction; overview course fees here.


After the closing date for registrations, the organisers will decide whether the course can take place. The decision is based on the number of registrations.


University of Bern
Public Health Sciences Course Program

c/o Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

Tel: +41 31 684 34 04
