Public Health Sciences Course Program (PHS)

Topics in Climate Epidemiology

The course aims to provide students an overview of research topics with examples of latest research in climate epidemiology. The course will cover topics such as planetary health, urban health, infectious disease modelling, among other hot topics in this area. Important focus will be placed on time-series analysis applied to health data, including estimation of present and future risks in terms of health impact projections under climate change scenarios, and attribution of health impacts to climate change.


By the end of the course, the students should be able to:

(1) understand the methodologies applied in relevant research topics in climate epidemiology,

(2) plan, conduct and interpret a simple research study in climate epidemiology.


The course will cover hot topics in climate epidemiology, such as urban health, planetary health and health attribution studies.

Arbeitsweise / Programm

Onsite sessions – lecture and practical - and a group assignment.

Students will be assessed based on a group assignment, and attendance and participation.

The group assignment consists of a small epidemiological study that the students will have to design, conduct and present at the end of the course. They will have the support of a tutor who will help in the data analysis and interpretation.


Nummer E046.224.25

30.04.2025 Assessment of Short-Term Effects: Time Series and Case-Crossover

07.05.2025 Infectious Diseases

14.05.2025 Projections and Attribution of Health Impacts

21.05.2025 Urban Health and Exposome

28.05.2025 Planetary Health

04.06.2025 Presentations of the Group Assignment

Zeiten 12:00 - 14:00

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM
Mittelstrasse 43,
3012 Bern

room 116, first floor


Prof. Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern

Plätze max. 10 Personen
Kurssprache English
Anmeldefrist 15.04.2025
Format Individual event
You will receive a certificate of attendance.

Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research

Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
Public Health Sciences Course Program (PHS)


Individual event from Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research in cooperation with Public Health Sciences Course Program.


2 ECTS points will be credited for this course

For an accreditation of the ECTS, a minimum of 80% attendance and active participation, incl. completion of assignments and assessments are required.

root number KSL: 455271


This course targets PhD students at the University of Bern.


Course participants are expected to have basic knowledge in epidemiology.

If you do not have basic knowledge in epidemiology, please register for the whole “Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Climate Sciences” course via the KSL (root-number: 455271). This course for 4.5 ECTS consists of two parts: Basics of Environmental Epidemiology (February to April 2025) and Topic in Climate Epidemiology (April to May 2025).

Anmelde- und Aufnahmeverfahren

The program manager decides on the final admission.

Application process: You are requested to enroll online. Seats will be allocated according to date of enrolment. Three weeks before the course/workshop at the latest, the administration will decide and inform about running or cancelling the course/workshop.


Amount still open


Registration fees are waived for PhD students of the University of Bern who commit to the whole course attendance. To avoid being invoiced, it is mandatory that you indicate your institute and the matriculation number upon registration for the course. Please note cancellation regulations below.


After the closing date for registrations, the organisers will decide whether the course can take place. The decision is based on the number of registrations.


University of Bern
Public Health Sciences Course Program

c/o Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

Tel: +41 31 684 34 04
