Essentials for Teaching in Higher Education
At the end of the two days, participants shall be able to:
- Plan a course and a lesson with the help of concept maps.
- Define the learning outcomes for a course or a lesson.
- Explain interactive instructional strategies that help students learn.
- Identify their potential as a lecturer.
- Learn research findings about teaching that fosters learning.
- Continue to enjoy teaching.
This interactive two-day course presents a variety of research-informed educational stragegies.
During the course we shall discuss the value of course design from a learner-centered approach.
The course is divided in four main themes: 1) structuring a course or a lesson, 2) classroom management and motivation, 4) interactive learning and 4) skills for presenting and explaining theoretical concepts for better learning.
Participants apply these concepts by doing a 5-minute mini-lesson. Advice and feedback is given to
all participants. This course support the professional development of starting and experienced
Nummer | H.25.21 |
Termine | 24.04.2025, 25.04.2025 |
Zeiten | 9.00-17.00 Uhr |
Kursort | Bern, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Room A122 (first floor, Altbau_A) Situationsplan |
Leitung | Le Duc Ingrid, Dr. |
Plätze max. |
16 Personen ausgebucht Anmeldung möglich in Warteliste |
Kurssprache | Englisch |
Anmeldefrist | 03.04.2025 |
Format | Einzelveranstaltung von CAS Hochschullehre Sie erhalten eine Teilnahmebescheinigung. |
Trägerschaft |
Universität Bern, Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW |
Hinweise |
Employees at University of Bern and PHBern: The cancellation of the registration after closing date costs CHF 100 handling fee. |
ECTS-Info |
Im Rahmen des CAS Hochschullehre wird für diesen Kurs 1 ECTS-Punkt an Modul 1 angerechnet. |
The educational development at University of Bern is directed to teachers and researchers at universities, universities of applied sciences, teacher training universities, colleges of professional education and training and further education institutions. This constellation across target groups is intentionally sought and one of the strengths of our program.
Preparative assignments are communicated well in advance.
Primäre Zielgruppe sind Personen, die aus sprachlichen Gründen keinen deutschsprachigen Didaktikkurs besuchen können. Bei verfügbaren Kursplätzen werden zusätzliche Personen zugelassen, die auf English in Masterstudiengängen lehren.
Admission requirement
The language of instruction in this course is English. Primary target group are people with insufficient German skills to attend a similar course in German. Incase of free course seats staff-members teaching in master programmes in English are admitted.
Anmelde- und Aufnahmeverfahren
You are requested to enrol online (cf. red button below). Seats will be allocated according to date of enrolment. Three weeks before the course/workshop at the latest, the administration will decide and inform about running or cancelling the course/workshop.
Withdrawal from registration
Withdrawal from registration is accepted by email only: Please make sure you carefully read the regulations for cancellation (Annullierungsbestimmungen).
CHF 660.—
The course is free of charge for University of Bern and PH Bern employees.
In order to avoid receiving an invoice, employees at University of Bern and PHBern must register with their work address.
Your registration is binding. If you cancel your registration after the closing date or in the cases of nonappearance or abort of the program, the following cancellation policy applies:
Employees at University of Bern and PHBern
- The cancellation of the registration after closing date (3 weeks before the course) costs CHF 100 handling fee.
- Being present less than 75% of the course time equals nonappearance or abort of the program and costs CHF 100 handling fee.
- Nonappearance on the first half day of a course equals nonappearance and costs CHF 100 handling fee.
- In exceptional cases a handling fee can be remitted if a medical certificate or a written request is handed in. The decision is taken by the head of the program.
External employees
100% of the course costs have to be paid. (This policy is adapted if the administration of the educational development unit can find a substitutional attendee. In this case, CHF 100 handling fee have to be paid.)
Apart from this cancellation policy, the general terms and conditions of the Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW of the University of Bern apply for a Registration.
Universität Bern
Vizerektorat Lehre
Learning and Development | LEAD
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3001 Bern
Telefon 031 684 55 32
Diese Veranstaltung ist ausgebucht.