Kurse und Veranstaltungen Abteilung Learning and Development (LEAD)

Workshop Scientific Writing

Work on your texts in an inspiring and pleasant atmosphere. The circuit training approach used in this workshop guarantees that you will receive individual coaching for scientific writing, input and exercises in grammar and style, and time to edit your texts with the support of professional writing teachers.

[Workshops sind Follop-Up-Tage. Bitte Zulassungsbedingungen beachten]


By the end of the workshop, participants will know more about their personal strengths and weaknesses as a writer and about how to seek advice and feedback on writing from colleagues. They will also have

  • increased their confidence when writing in scientific contexts in English,
  • deepened their knowledge of scientific writing,
  • received clarification of their questions about style and grammar,
  • advanced their mastery of scientific writing skills, particularly editing.


The workshop consists of three main elements:

  • Individual coaching, during which the instructors give specific feedback on the text submitted and initiate a dialogue to address the participant’s questions (a total of about 30 minutes per participant)
  • Grammar and style exercises addressing language usage that caused problems in the participants’ texts
  • The clinic, which is focused on practicing editing skills with the support of the instructors, as well as print and online reference materials

Arbeitsweise / Programm

During the day, activities vary. While the focus remains on coaching (the individual writer is in a one-on-one instructor-student setup also during clinic time), there will be some activities in small groups or pairs and some for the entire group.

The workshop will be offered on site. Should this not be possible, it will be adapted to a blended-learning or an online format.


Nummer H.24.59
Termine 17.12.2024
Zeiten 9.00-17.00 Uhr

UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Raum A122 (1. OG, Altbau_A)


Matter Marc, lic. phil.

Plätze max. 10 Personen
Kurssprache Englisch
Anmeldefrist 27.11.2024
Format Einzelveranstaltung von CAS Hochschullehre
Sie erhalten eine Teilnahmebescheinigung.

Universität Bern,

Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW

& Learning and Development LEAD


Employees at University of Bern and PHBern: The cancellation of the registration after closing date costs CHF 100 handling fee.


Im Rahmen des CAS Hochschullehre werden für diesen Workshop 0.5 ECTS-Punkte an Modul 6 oder als Vertiefungsveranstaltung angerechnet.


Teachers and researchers at universities, technical colleges, teacher training universities, colleges of professional education and training, or other institutions of higher or continuing education. This constellation across target groups is intentional and one of the strengths of our program.


This workshop is an opportunity for participants who have completed the four-day Scientific Writing Clinic in our program (or a similar basic scientific writing course at another institution) to receive in-depth individual feedback on their texts, to focus on problematic areas of grammar and style, and/or to practice their editing skills.


The four-day Scientific Writing Clinic (or a similar basic scientific writing course at another institution) is a prerequisite for participation. Moreover, participants will need to submit 1-2 pages of the text they want to work with before the course begins; this will serve as the basis for the coaching sessions during the day. Details will be communicated in an email to all registered participants two to three weeks before the workshop.


This workshop is open for people who have previously completed our four-day course "Scientific Writing Clinic" or a similar course at another university.

Anmelde- und Aufnahmeverfahren

You are requested to enrol online (cf. red button below). Places will be allocated according to date of enrolment. Three weeks before the course/workshop at the latest, the administration will decide and inform about running or cancelling the course/Workshop.
We request participants to enrol for each course/workshop separately despite their possible previous registration for the CAS Hochschullehre (certificate of advanced studies programme in higher education teaching and learning).

Withdrawal from registration is accepted by email only: hd.zuw@unibe.ch  Please make sure you carefully read the regulations for cancellation (Annullierungsbestimmungen).


CHF 390.—


In order to avoid receiving an invoice, employees at University of Bern and PHBern must register with their work address.


Your registration is binding. If you cancel your registration after the closing date or in the cases of nonappearance or abort of the program, the following cancellation policy applies:

Employees at University of Bern and PHBern

  • The cancellation of the registration after closing date (3 weeks before the course) costs CHF 100 handling fee.
  • Being present less than 75% of the course time equals nonappearance or abort of the program and costs CHF 100 handling fee.
  • Nonappearance on the first half day of a course equals nonappearance and costs CHF 100 handling fee.
  • In exceptional cases a handling fee can be remitted if a medical certificate or a written request is handed in. The decision is taken by the head of the program.

External employees
100% of the course costs have to be paid. (This policy is adapted if the administration of the educational development unit can find a substitutional attendee. In this case, CHF 100 handling fee have to be paid.)

Apart from this cancellation policy, the general terms and conditions of the Zentrum für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW of the University of Bern apply for a Registration.


Universität Bern, LEAD Learning and Development, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Postfach, 3001 Bern
Telefon 031 684 55 32
E-Mail info.lead@unibe.ch
